Innovation Networks for Scaling Active and Healthy Ageing

Here you can watch the webinar “How to deliver the promise of digital innovation in active and healthy ageing? The kick-off meeting of the project IN-4-AHA” .
How to deliver the promise of digital innovation in active and healthy ageing? The kick-off meeting of the project IN-4-AHA
Date: 09.02.2021
Time: 11:00-12:25 (GMT+2)
Ageing is one of the future challenges of the world that creates an urgent need to extend access to health care, expand access to appropriate health services, and to scale up innovative products and services. This event kicks off the 2-year-long project on Innovation Networks for Active and Healthy Ageing that aims at supporting the supply and demand sides in implementing scaling up strategies for innovative solutions, especially considering the aspects of end-user adoption readiness. This event will bring together different/key stakeholders and present their role in the innovation cycle for a successful scale-up model. The discussion will bring light to the main gaps in policy, investment, and collaboration to scale up innovation in AHA.
11:00-11:05 Gathering of the participants
11:05-11:10 Opening of the event. Welcome notes
SPEAKER: Piret Hirv, Connected Health Cluster, Tehnopol Science and Business Park
11:10-11:35 Launch of the Green Paper on Ageing and the follow up actions
SPEAKER: Irina Kalderon-Libal, European Commission
11:35-11:55 Rising DIH/health clusters as important actors in health & social care ecosystems – which new paradigm do they bring to the innovation cycle?
SPEAKER: Gisela Garcia-Alvarez, Galician Health Cluster
11:55-12:25 Discussion on the topic: How to succeed in the cross-border scale-up of solutions? Challenges in collaboration, investments, and policies.
Birgit Morlion, European Commission
Erki Mölder, Health Founders Accelerator
Professor Elisio Costa, University of Porto
Merike Leego, EIT Health Scandinavia
MODERATOR: Piret Hirv, Connected Health Cluster, Tehnopol Science and Business Park
12:25 End of the public part.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101017603.