Law Office NOVE helps tackle bottlenecks faced by healthcare companies

The Connected Health Cluster welcomes new member Law Office NOVE, which has had health care as one of its focus areas since 2018. NOVE’s attorney-at-law in medical law Maret Kruus outlined NOVE’s expertise and experience in healthcare law.

NOVE was established in 2016. Two years later the team was joined by attorneys in medical law, Mari Past (formerly Matjus) and Maret Kruus, and the office began to put more focus on health care. Maret Kruus said that she finds it important to be able to work towards a greater purpose, i.e. to improve people’s health and quality of life. Out of interest in the field, she is currently writing her PhD thesis on Legal Possibilities and Limitations in Using Health and Genetic Data for Commercial Purposes.

In addition to medical law, NOVE specialises in IT and data protection law, which are closely related to health care. Companies operating in the healthcare sector also need increasingly more help with dispute resolution and issues relating to intellectual property and cybersecurity as well as public procurement and construction law, on which NOVE’s experts advise clients on a daily basis.

Extensive experience in advising healthcare sector

NOVE’s team on medical law has advised hospitals and private clinics of varying sizes, pharmacy service providers, manufacturers of medicinal products, vendors of medical devices, organisers of clinical trials and umbrella organisations in the medical sector.

One of the most exciting and meaningful projects for Mari Past and Maret Kruus was providing legal advice to the University of Tartu on the research use of the Estonian Genome Project, a data repository managed by the University of Tartu containing the genetic and health data of more than 200,000 Estonian gene donors, for medical innovation. Among others, NOVE’s attorneys have provided medical law advice to Medicum, one of the largest private healthcare companies in Estonia, Tartu University Hospital, and Haapsalu Neurological Rehabilitation Centre, known as one of the largest rehabilitation hospitals in Estonia. A selection of their work can be found here:

The law office joined the Connected Health Cluster because just like other cluster members, it wants to play its part in the development and innovation of healthcare solutions.

Legal acts as well as the practical solutions and forms of cooperation created by businesses in the area of health and data protection are currently undergoing renewal. According to Maret Kruus, NOVE continuously keeps track of healthcare developments and aims to provide appropriate legal solutions that respond to the changing legal landscape. Involvement in the cluster’s activities is important for NOVE as it enables them to gain a better understanding of the objectives and key concerns of healthcare companies so that they could help address these concerns.

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