Elisa UP is announcing an open scouting round for all sustainability startups

What is an ‘Open Scouting Round’?

Open Scouting Round or OSR is a two-month collaboration process between Elisa and startups relevant to the current focus area. Successful collaboration ends with a pilot project and leads to a strategic partnership with Elisa.

Why is Elisa UP doing this?

Sustainability needs to be a focus area not only for telecoms but for the whole world. By uniting knowledge, skills, and best practices with startup agility and out-of-the-box ideas, we can tackle the pressing challenges together. Let’s boost sustainability innovation and scale your idea for a better future!

Who is Elisa UP looking for? Someone who

  • helps companies be more environmentally friendly,
  • helps companies assess their CO2 footprint,
  • develops software for auditing and or tracking environmental footprint of business activities,
  • has at least MVP ready.

Fill out the application form at https://up.elisa.com/!

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