HeBA solutions enable employers to contribute to employee health

HeBA occupational health clinic has joined the Connected Health Cluster. HeBA provides digitally-enhanced healthcare services to employers and working-age people who value health management focused on care. In cooperation with a global network of partners, HeBA helps both people and companies achieve their health-related goals.
HeBA’s decisions and health recommendations are based on up-to-date data analysis. HeBA’s unique health management platform and mobile app that connect all parties support the clinic’s value proposition. “Based on the underlying goal of good health, every employee is given a personal health plan and every company receives a health culture development plan,” says Evelyn Aaviksoo, HeBA’s Manager and Chief Medical Officer.
Employee mental health is an integral part of occupational health. To support this, a new mental health management solution called HeBA.One is being launched, targeting companies and employees. HeBA.One will be piloted as part of a model being experimented with in the AccelerateEstonia accelerator programme. The solution will soon be undertaking pre-seed fundraising.
The company is also active in product development – R&D accounts for 20-25% of HeBA’s activities each year. HeBA is currently participating in Tehnopol’s AI accelerator and developing the analytics module of the health management platform to operate based on machine learning.
Their main reason for joining the cluster was to enhance cooperation. “The Connected Health Cluster is the most influential cooperation platform in the field of health technology in Estonia. Today, it simply isn’t possible to develop as a company without cooperation. All in all, it’s the best opportunity to grow your company and advance the health technology sector in Estonia,” says Aaviksoo. She adds that the cluster will help accelerate access to international markets with valuable feedback and lessons from other companies, partners, investors and mentors.
You can find out more about HeBA’s services on their website.
The Connected Health Cluster led by Tehnopol Science and Business Park is Estonia’s biggest healthcare tech community, uniting health service providers, health tech companies and all other key interest groups in the field. The cluster’s support enables domestic cooperation projects and the export of health technological solutions to other countries. The activities of the cluster are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.