Watch the video: GreenEst Summit 2018

On October 30 over 200 energy-efficiency experts, real estate developers, architects and greentech solutions providers gathered to Tallinn GreenEST Summit conference to improve the future of buildings!

On the stage was 15 international speakers talking about Healthy Buildings, Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings, Energy Performance Contracting and the Future of Buildings. At the demo area 18 companies from all over Europe presented their innovative greentech solutions which help to reduce indoor energy consumption. 

Find more information about the greentech conference at and see you next year at GreenEST Summit 2019!

The event was organized by Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol and Effect4Buildings.

Tag yourself at the pictures of the conference here!

 See also an entertaining video of GreenEst Summit 2018:

(Pictures and video: Vladislava Snurnikova Photography)

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