Meryl Villemsaar, marketing and sales manager of Direct Messenger writes about the use of SMS messages in digital solutions

Why hasn’t SMS died yet?

For some time now it has been predicted that the descent of new filigree technological solutions such as RCS and chatapps will mark the end of SMS messages. Despite technologies developing at a frantic pace and alternative communication channels shooting up like mushrooms the role of SMS messages continues to be significant mainly due to their simplicity, reliability and flexibility. The fact that the application of SMS messages is available in all mobile phones cannot be considered less relevant as it makes them the best way to transmit important information.

A huge number of different software-based solutions have been created for companies to streamline and update their day-to-day business. Several such digital systems include the function of sending messages which is used both internally and in customer relations. Messaging is a perfect internal communication channel. Various numerical figures, codes, approvals, tasks can be sent via text message to facilitate everyday work. For instance, logisticians send addresses of loading locations to drivers via SMS. When it comes to the large companies or institutions important and urgent messages can be successfully forwarded to employees’ mobile phones. Likewise notifications are used in customer relations – reminders of due dates of invoices, information about the arrival of ordered goods, notices about the expiry of a customer card. SMS is an indispensable tool in e-trade as well. Since customers make their purchases entirely on their own they are often supported by automated messages that turn the whole purchasing process into a reliable and convenient experience.

The use of SMS technology in healthcare is widespread since it is the easiest and most effective way to communicate with patients. Automation of booking systems for appointments helps healthcare service providers save time and money when they use SMS notifications as reminders. Long waiting lists and fast pace of life lead to the situation where people forget scheduled appointments. Sending reminders of appointment directly to patients’ phones will ensure that they are aware of the time, date and location of the consultation. Problem solved!

We probably cannot imagine life without notifications. Whenever we take our car to service, bring laundry to be cleaned or computer to be repaired we expect to receive information about when to collect them. SMS is the most convenient way for this. The length of a text message is limited which is an advantage since knowing that the text is short and important makes us read it. Therefore, SMS notification is best suited for providing short but important information to a person. Of course there are some businesses who prefer calling. However, it cannot be considered reasonable for a larger-than-average service company that needs to notify hundred or more customers a day.

SMS may seem like an outdated technology, but in reality it plays a key role in interacting with the most advanced digital solutions. SMS messages are widely used to check the functionality of the work processes of servers. For example, when a server is down and does not resume operation within a predetermined period of time a message will be sent to the phone. All operational processes of servers can be successfully monitored the same way. It is a convenient solution for system administrators who can sleep peacefully at night knowing that everything works. We have been using SMS messages for a long time now to maintain our messaging system functionality as our service must operate continuously.

Online security is still a hot topic. A year ago the incident response department of the Information System Authority (CERT) informed about the leakage of the social media account passwords of about 200,000 Estonians during past years. Just recently well-known social media influencers spoke about how they had lost control of their Instagram accounts and had to pay ransom to hackers to get them back. The cases that reach media or police are just the tip of the iceberg actually such security-related incidents occur more and more. This is why two-step authentication solutions are being increasingly introduced. This is relevant not only for banks or financial institutions all companies that have web environments for people to log in should consider offering such solutions. One of the best options is SMS confirmation codes used, among others, by Google, Twitter and Facebook as they do not need to be separately set by users and can be easily activated. The idea is that in order to access your account you need to enter not just your username and password but also a number combination received by text message.

Messaging service can be implemented in all directions of development of technology and it is rather upward trend. Several already created and to be created digital solutions include the function of sending SMS messages either to ensure the reliability of the technology or to increase the efficiency and security of the relations between companies and customers. SMS helps to add value by saving time, money and other resources to whole success of communication.

Direct Messenger OÜ has been providing SMS services and technical solutions of consumer campaigns to companies since 2010. E-mail:

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