Rahvusvaheline ITS teemade ühtne andmebaas – ITS Observatory

ITS organisatsioonide võrgustik ITS Nationals ja Ertico on loonud ühtse andmebaasi kõigile intelligentse transpordi teemadele/toodetele/teenustele – ITS Observatory.

Antud süsteemi saab sisestada oma ettevõtte/toote/teenuse info ning olla seeläbi paremini nähtav rahvusvahelisel tasandil. Lisaks selle kaudu võimalik leida ka rahvusvahelisest ITS kogukonnast koostööpartnereid.

Vaata lisa:  https://itsobservatory.info/

Join the online ITS community and explore the Observatory’s features. The ITS Observatory is:

  • the first self-service ITS portal, open for any business, organisation & expert to publish their own content;
  • a single access point with links to key sources for ITS policy, standards, benefits & impacts;  
  • an inventory of all ITS deployed in Europe, and an open “notice board” for your events & news;
  • a directory of ITS organisations & people, and a showcase for products, services & success stories;
  • a marketplace for ITS offers & requests, and for special interest groups.  

The Observatory is now ready to support your business. Here are some benefits for your Association and its members:

  • put your ITS implementation or project on the map – be visible, attract attention and interest
  • help new customers discover your ITS products & services
  • create or join a group sharing your special interests, create a “hub” for your Association
  • ask for advice, tap into an expert network with a question or offer your experience
  • give your members European visibility & “reach”, find business & development partners.

We now invite you to join the Observatory online community, try out the platform and provide a brief assessment of your experience. There are 2 easy steps:

  1. Please register yourself and your organisation (if not already registered) on the platform HERE. [See guidance below for registering, and for uploading and viewing content.]
  2. After you’ve registered and uploaded some content, please complete a short online survey HERE.

We value your feedback, and will use it for future improvements. The Observatory gains value with each new user, and with each item of content. So sign up and get active!

Find more information at https://itsobservatory.info/

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